Immunity, One Egg at a Time

Antibodies: Nature's Most Powerful Defense
As we go about our daily lives, we are exposed to many pathogens.
Our immune system produces antibodies to protect us from viruses and bacteria. But sometimes these pathogens evade our antibody immunity and get us sick.
What if you could boost your immunity with targeted antibodies that fight for you?

Hatching Immunity
Antibodies called immunoglobulin Y (IgY) are naturally produced by chickens to protect them against viruses and bacteria. They are passed down from hens to their eggs to protect baby chicks while they develop their own immunity.
By immunizing chickens against specific viruses or bacteria, they will produce targeted antibodies that neutralize these pathogens.

Egg-cellent Protection
Besides baby chicks, these antibodies are effective in protecting humans too. They can be extracted from egg yolks and eaten to help us fight pathogens in our throat and gut.

Our Mission
Putting immunity at your fingertips with convenient, tasty supplements packed with egg-derived antibodies:

Our Team
We are a team of Stanford scientists passionate about immune health.
Betty Cai
PhD Candidate
(Materials Science)
Stanford University -
Andy Chen, MD
PhD Candidate
Stanford University -
Dhriti Nagar, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher (Neuroscience)
Stanford University